Thursday, 30 January 2014

Gold Book (30/1/14)

Here are this weeks year 3 gold book children,
Grace could be in the golden book every single week, she always does the right thing and she put in extra effort in the last learning log homework by making her own cookery show!
Tilly is a valued member of year 3, she sets an outstanding example all of the time, she can be trusted to do the right thing and gives 100% to everything she does.

Time Games

We have recently been learning how to tell the time, remember being able to tell the time is very important, here are some games to help you practice;

Bang on Time

Hickory Dickory Clock

Clock Works

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Food Learning Logs

I was extremely impressed with the pieces of the last homework I received, me and Mrs Colthorpe got to taste test Daniella's flapjack and we all watched Grace's cookery show, both were fantastic!

Here are some pictures;

Tell me something you have learnt about the food pyramid......

Learning Log Target (29/1/14)

Learning Target

To research your groups chosen country.

Niall – France                  Zayn – Mexico

Liam – China                    Louis – Italy

Harry - England

What could you do?
- Locate the country on a world map.
- Research what the country is like (hot etc).
- Research what food originates from there.
- Research what popular meals are eaten there.
- Does it have any famous landmarks/places?
- Does it have any particular customs?
- Find and draw the countries map.
- Find map of the country.
- Is it famous for any particular types of clothing?
- Find some pictures of places in the country.
- Does it have any famous bank holidays/festivals?
- Anything else you know about the country.

To be handed in by Wednesday 12th February

Learn By Heart (29/1/14)

Learn By Heart Year 3; Spring Term.

Issue date; Wednesday 29th January 2014

Test 1; Wednesday 5th February 2014

Test 2; Wednesday 12th February 2014


To be able to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes.
An A4 pdf containing 4 different clock faces with captions in Sassoon Infant font. These clocks require hands that should be attached with split pins. Could be used for group work while telling the time or individually. Could also be used for display.

Talk Homework (31/1/14)

Talk Homework

This weeks talk homework is a bit different, look at the picture below;

Imagine you woke up here, now make up a story about how you got there, what happened while you were there and how you got home, if you even did!

Remember you need to include VCOP in your story to make it interesting and exciting for the reader.

Tell your story to your grown up and have fun with it.

Gold Book (23/1/14)

Here are this weeks year 3 gold book children
Ben has really tried hard this week in class, he has been extremely helpful, tidied more than his own mess and really focused on his time work in maths. Please keep it up!
Zofia could be in the gold book every week, she always sets a good example to others and is pleasure to have in class, a real golden girl!

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Our Divali Dance (P.E.)

We have just completed our dance P.E. topic, first we read the story of Rama and Sita. Then we made a dance of 4 parts; Death of Ravannah, Monkey March, Monkey Dance and the return of Rama and Sita. Here are some pictures;

What part of the dance did you enjoy learning/doing
the most?

Talk Homework (17/1/14)

Dear Parents,

This week your child’s Talk homework is to think about Charlie and the Chocolate factory and the things that can be found in the factory, what would it smell like, what would you see, what would you hear and what could you do there etc.

Please chat to your child on this topic and others surrounding  it. This will help support their writing on Friday

If possible, could the T.V be turned off while the discussion is taking place!

Thanks you for your support.


Thursday, 9 January 2014

Gold Book (9/1/14)

Here is this weeks year 3 golden book children;
Teegan has come back to school with a spring in her step, she has lead her group in PE fantastically and her musicality during the dance was excellent.
Kamiah has set himself some targets for the new year and he has made a great start, keep up the good work and comtinue trying your best.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Talk Homework (10/1/14)

Dear Parents,

This week your child’s Talk homework is to write a letter to a Viking, ensuring that the address is set out correctly, it is started and finished correctly and paragraphs and punctuation are used.

Please chat to your child on this topic and others surrounding  it. This will help support their writing on Friday

If possible, could the T.V be turned off while the discussion is taking place!

Thanks you for your support.


Learning Log Target (8/1/14)

Learning Target

To write about and research food and recipes.

What could you do?
- List your favourite foods.
- Write out the recipe for your favourite meal.
- Research where a food originates from.
- Make something by following a recipe,
and take photos or bring in what you made to show the class.
- Go shopping, with an adult, and find out the
prices of your favourite foods.
- Research how food from other countries
get transported to England i.e. bananas.
- Write a menu of your favourite meals.
- Write about what you know about healthy
- Anything else you want to write or find out
about food.

To be handed in by Wednesday 22nd January

Learn By Heart (8/1/14)

Learn By Heart Year 3; Spring Term.

Issue date; Wednesday 8th January 2014
Test 1; Wednesday 15th January 2014

Test 2; Wednesday 22th January 2014

To recall, by heart, the 3 and 4 times table.

1x3=3    6x3=18                                 1x4=4              6x4=24

2x3=6    7x3=21                                  2x4=8              7x4=28

3x3=9     8x3=24                                 3x4=12            8x4=32

4x3=12   9x3=27                                 4x4=16            9x4=36

5x3=15   10x3=30                               5x4=20             10x4=40

Termly Letter

Wednesday 8th January                                           

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Welcome back, I hope you all had a super Christmas and relaxing New Year.
Here are some reminders of dates and topics for this coming term.

Monday and Wednesday, children will need indoor kits and suitable footwear e.g. trainers or pumps.

New spellings will be given every Monday and tests will be on the Friday afternoon of the same week, the spellings given are a focus on particular word rules e.g. suffixes, prefixes, singular, plural rather than the actual words. So when practicing them please emphasise the rule e.g. adding -ing.

Homework is the learning logs, a new learning target will be put into the books every fortnight and your child will have 2 weeks to fill the 2 pages with anything they think relates to the learning target, the deadline date will be at the bottom of the target.
We will also be continuing Learn By Heart, the Maths initiative, where a Maths challenge (e.g. learn 3 times tables) is set for the children to learn over a 2 week period, during this time 2 short tests will be given. The Learn By Heart challenge will be glued into your child’s Learn By Heart book and the book can be used to practice in.
I would be very grateful if you could encourage your child to complete every piece of homework and to hand it in on time. It is essential for your child to get into a routine before they start high school.

Please make sure your child reads their school reading book at home. I would like them to read everyday, and if you could please write a small comment about what they have read and sign it in their reading journal. We will aim to listen to your child read at school once a week so please ensure your child brings their book and reading record on their designated reading day.

This term our class theme is Celebrity Chefs, so all our subjects will be related to this. During this theme, as a class we will choose a country or countries and research local food and customs from there, with this information we will plan and write a menu which includes information about the place.
Here are some of the activities we will be doing this term;

Stories with a familiar setting (related to food, kitchens etc) and instructions.
As a school we follow the DCFS Mathematics framework and during this term we will also be covering Maths work related to the theme, i.e. weights, measures and money.

Teeth and healthy eating.
Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.)
Research of food, cultures and customs etc of the country chosen by the children.
Location and information of the country chosen by the children.
Design Technology (D.T.).

Design and write a menu.

Design and make a place setting and table decoration.
R.E./Personal, Social, Health and Cultural Education
Muslim stories and Going for goals.
Physical Education

Exploring arrangements.

Mrs Pound will be teaching Thursday afternoons, to cover my PPA time.

Also don’t forget our Year 3 blog which can be found on the homepage of the school website, get blogging!

I am aware that there is a lot of information included in this letter! If any of the information is unclear, or if you have any further queries regarding your child, please do not hesitate to see me.

Kind regards,

Mrs M L Quinn
Year 3 Class teacher