Today in P.E. we have been learning how to throw and catch the ball with a bounce.
We worked in pairs and practiced throwing and catching a tennis ball.
We learnt that we need to move our hands or body to catch the ball, we need to concentrate and watch the ball at all times, we need to stand ready to catch the ball, we needed to be the right distance apart so the ball bounced in the right place and we need to get our hands ready to catch.
We brought the ball towards our body after we have caught it so we don't drop it.
We moved our body so we were in the correct position to catch the ball.
We kept our eyes on the ball at all times.
We stood facing each other and if we were too far apart we moved closer and if we were too close we took a step back.
We stood in a position to catch the ball, with our legs one in front of the other,
We got our hands ready to catch the ball.
Why don't you try to see how many times you can throw and catch a ball without dropping it.
What have you learnt about in P.E.?
Do you like P.E.?
Can you throw and catch?